Thursday, March 5, 2020

6 Wonderful Blogs to Help You Learn French Online

6 Wonderful Blogs to Help You Learn French Online Megan L. Congratulations on deciding to learn to speak French! Your journey with this beautiful language is bound to be exciting, occasionally difficult, and ultimately rewarding. As you practice the language and study with a French tutor, you should also consider following a few French blogs. Reading fresh updates from other language students and teachers will help you stay engaged in your studies and keep your enthusiasm for French alive. Plus youll learn lots of fun stuff that might not be in your textbook. Here are six of the best blogs where you can learn French online: 1. French Today If youre interested in learning French slang, dialects, and a bit about French culture too, the French Today blog is the perfect place to start! You might learn vocabulary the French use on social media, or how Canadian French differs from what is spoken in France. Based in northern France, French Today is run by a husband and wife team whose enthusiasm for their language and culture shines in every post. 2. I Learn French Adults learning French as a second language will find lots to relate to on I Learn French. This blog is the frequently updated story of William Alexanders mission to learn French in his fifties. He also shares great insights and anecdotes gleaned from his travels in France, plus an occasional recipe. Even though it can be harder to learn languages as an adult, William chronicles these challenges in his blog with a sense of humor and determination that will make you feel like you have a friend learning French online right beside you. 3. French Crazy If you dream of living in France, youve got to follow this blog! French Crazy is run by native English speaker John Elkhoury, who is currently living and working in France. His blog highlights French culture, from spectacles like la fête des lumières to day to day differences like how French credit cards differ from those used in North America. Reading French Crazy is like taking a mini-vacation to France every day. Related: How Long it Takes to Learn French 4. Learn French With Jennifer Jennifer is an American French and English teacher living in southern France with her husband and children. On her blog, Jennifer shares wonderful video lessons for beginners, full of examples and clear explanations. Her mission is to make learning languages easy and fun, and she certainly succeeds. Jennifers love for language is contagious, and her blog is sure to keep you inspired even when you run into difficulty in your studies. 5. Talk in French Talk in French contains so much good stuff that I dont know where to start. Audio podcasts, movie recommendations, interesting vocabulary the list goes on and on! Talk in French founder Frédéric Bibard believes that the best way to learn languages is to make great habits that reinforce your learning. Talk in French is certainly a habit-forming, potentially addictive, blog for French learners. Youll keep coming back for the podcasts, articles, and most importantly the motivation to keep learning French. 6. French Together If youre traveling soon to a French-speaking country, French Together will help you prepare. French Together serves up mini-lessons in French using real-life, conversational examples. Learn French idioms, practice common expressions (like how to ask for the bill at a restaurant), and tips for understanding spoken French. French Together prepares you for conversational French, and youll find yourself chatting at a café in no time! Of course, there are many other wonderful blogs you will find to help you practice your French.  For more resources, be sure to check out the blog Love France and take a look at their list of 100 great websites for studying French. Where do you go to learn French online? Send us a link in the comments below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Gillicious

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